Rivers and Estuaries Science Program 

The Rivers and Estuaries Science Program undertakes and supports research across a wide range of disciplines to address knowledge gaps and inform management of the Swan Canning Riverpark.  

Research is aligned with the department’s Science Strategic Plan 2022-2025 and WA Marine Science Institute’s estuarine research priorities. Strong collaborative linkages exist with universities, research centres and other government departments. 

Scientific advice and support is provided to the Rivers and Estuaries Branch in relation to waterway condition, management, and incident response including algal blooms, fish-kills, sewage overflows and dolphin deaths. 

Our people 

Dr Kerry Trayler 
Principal Scientist and Rivers and Estuaries Science Program Leader 

Dr Steeg Hoeksema 
Senior Environmental Officer 

Dr Peter Novak 
Environmental Officer 

Dr Jeff Cosgrove 
Environmental Officer 

Dr Sri Adiyanti 
Research Scientist 

Suzanne Thompson  
Environmental officer