Kings Park aerial view. Photo by M. Webb
Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority (BGPA) manages Kings Park and Botanic Garden and Bold Park, two of Perth's most accessible and significant natural areas, cherished by residents and visitors alike.
BGPA is part of the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions, which was formed on 1 July 2017. The Minister responsible for the Authority the Hon Reece R Whitby MLA Minister for Environment; Climate Action.
BGPA is led by Chief Executive Officer Stuart Smith, who is also the Director General for the department, and Executive Director Alan Barrett. The Board of Management has been the governing body of the Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority since the Authority was established.
Nearly 150 staff are employed by the Authority, including permanent, part-time, casual and contract staff.
Kings Park and Botanic Garden and Bold Park are managed under the Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority Act 1998 and Regulations 1999. These can be downloaded from the Parliamentary Counsel's Office website.
Kings Park and Botanic Garden is Western Australia’s premier tourist destination. It showcases the Western Australian Botanic Garden, many important memorials, landscaped recreational parklands, playgrounds and cafes and a significant area of remnant bushland.
Bold Park is an A-class reserve of coastal bushland set aside for its outstanding conservation, landscape and recreation values. Covering 437 hectares, it is one of the largest bushland remnants in the metropolitan area of the Swan Coastal Plain.
Strategic Priorities 2020-2025
Through the Botanic Gardens and Parks Authority Act 1998, BGPA is charged with the care, control and management of designated lands in accordance with publicly endorsed management plans. Current designated lands are Bold Park and Kings Park and Botanic Garden, both with high levels of community value and exceptional biodiversity. These Strategic Priorities are the result of consultation with key stakeholders.
The 1998 Act identifies the specific functions and relevant powers that govern the management of the designated lands and provide for the promotion of conservation of biological diversity generally. They include the provision of recreational and tourism services and facilities; conservation of natural landscapes; plant management, interpretation and display; biodiversity management; conservation, enhancement and promotion of cultural heritage; and education and research programs.
The Authority is supported by the State Government, the community of Western Australia, a wide range of sponsors, service providers and stakeholders, and hundreds of active and dedicated volunteers. BGPA strives to ensure the conservation of native biological diversity and cultural heritage icons of Bold Park and Kings Park and Botanic Garden, while providing for the diverse range of visitor interests.
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