Nature-based tourism is our business

Some examples of our agency's tourism-focused work across Western Australia: 

Nature based tourism graphics
Building on our strengths

DBCA's Parks and Wildlife Service is the largest provider of nature-based tourism opportunities in Western Australia and manages more than 31 million hectares of land and water, such as national parks and marine parks.

A new team

The Nature-based Tourism Division opened for business on 26 August 2024. You can read more by viewing the Minister's media statement below.

The team is led by an Executive Director and is based at DBCA's State headquarters in the Perth suburb of Kensington.

Dedicated services:
  • Encourage and enable sustainable nature and culture-based tourism outcomes.
  • Support the growth and development of authentic Aboriginal cultural tourism opportunities.
  • Proactively develop and seek out commercial tourism partnership opportunities in parks.
  • Engage regularly and meaningfully with the tourism industry on matters of mutual interest and concern.
  • Provide advice and support on nature-based tourism matters within DBCA and to the tourism industry, Traditional Owner partners, State Government and stakeholders.
  • Conduct an efficient and consistent centralised service to authorise access to and use of lands and waters through licensing, leasing and apiary authorities.
  • Coordinate the management of visitor access to parks through park passes and management of visitor fees.

To see how the new division has been integrated into the department's structure, visit the About us page.

For more information about conducting commercial activities on land and waters managed by DBCA, visit the
Commercial activities page.

Nature-based Tourism Industry Reference Group

The Nature-based Tourism Industry Reference Group provides a forum for constructive communication between the department and the tourism industry.

A Nature-based Tourism Industry Reference Group facilitates two-way communication between DBCA and the nature-based tourism industry. The reference group is a forum where industry representatives can raise issues, ask questions and receive information and for DBCA to discuss and resolve matters of mutual interest.  

Representation on the group is invited from a variety of tourism industry areas, including commercial tourism operators, industry representative groups, local and State government departments, visitor centres and development commissions. 
To express your interest in being on the Nature-based Tourism Industry Reference Group, please nominate using this on-line form. Applications for round one are open until 18 October 2024.

For more information, contact Nature-based Tourism Division at

Outdoor Adventure Tourism

The Outdoor Adventure Tourism Package was announced by the State Government in April 2024. 
View the original statement by visiting the webpage.

Download the Outdoor Adventure Tourism Program 2024 to see how the department is delivering new visitor experiences.

Explore WA's parks and attractions

Contact the team

For questions and more information, please contact the team at