Western Australia has rich and unique biodiversity, much of which is endemic and recognised as being both nationally and globally significant. Conservation of this biodiversity includes maintaining and restoring variability within and between native species, ecological communities and other biodiversity components, including ecosystems, habitats, genes and ecological processes.
Under the Biodiversity Conservation Act, native species are listed as threatened when they face a high to very high risk of extinction in the wild, and ecological communities are listed as threatened when they face a high to very high risk of collapse.
Conserving and protecting threatened species and threatened ecological communities is a key element of the department’s biodiversity conservation responsibilities.
Threatened flora and fauna lists
Lists of threatened and priority flora and fauna are available as a downloadable document, searchable interactive lists, and Government gazettal notices.
Document downloads
Threatened and Priority Flora List - August 2024
Threatened and Priority Fauna List - April 2024
Interactive lists
Interactive list of threatened flora
Interactive list of threatened fauna
Government gazettal notices
Gazette 49 of 2024 (Published 30 April 2024)
Threatened ecological communities list
Document downloads
Threatened Ecological Communities List - October 2023
Government gazettal notice
Gazette 62 of 2023 (26 May 2023)
Visit the List of threatened ecological communities page for more information.