The Derbal Yiragan (Swan) Djarlgarro (Canning) River Protection Strategy (the Strategy) ensures coordinated management to help protect and enhance the ecological and community benefit and amenity of the Swan Canning Riverpark and catchment area (river system). It provides strategic direction and guidance to the community, Aboriginal partners, government and non-government organisations and other land managers involved in the care and management of the river system, and ensures that collective efforts are aligned and purposeful.
The Strategy is a requirement of the Swan and Canning Rivers Management Act 2006 (the Act). The Act is available on the Parliamentary Counsel's Office website. The strategy’s development and implementation is overseen by the Swan River Trust, supported by DBCA. Its progress is reported to the Minister for Environment biennially.
A new Strategy has been drafted, following consultation that included a recent community survey. The draft Strategy is now available for public comment. A physical copy will also be available at DBCA head office at 17 Dick Perry Avenue, Kensington, WA 6151.
Making your submission
Online submission form:
Draft Swan Canning River Protection Strategy
Riverpark Strategic Projects Unit Manager
Rivers and Estuaries Branch
Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions
Locked Bag 104
If submitting a response on behalf of an organisation or agency, we encourage collating responses from members on behalf of your organisation into one submission using the Microsoft Word template of the online form available in the download section below. It would be greatly appreciated if you could copy and paste answers from the Microsoft Word template into the online form, where possible.
Submissions close 11:59pm Wednesday 9 October 2024. For any further information, please email