Nominations for listing (and delisting) of threatened flora, fauna and ecological communities The Western Australian Threatened Species Scientific Committee (TSSC) and Threatened Ecological Communities Scientific Committee (TECSC) meet at least annually to consider nominations to amend the lists of threatened species and threatened ecological communities.

The public is invited to submit nominations to amend (listing, delisting or category change) the current threatened species (plants and animals) and ecological communities lists. Nominations may be forwarded at any time to

Priority List amendments can be submitted at any time to and do not require a nomination form. Refer to the priority code definitions in the downloads section, for listing eligibility.

Closing date for nominations to be considered at the next TSSC or TECSC meeting is 30 November each year.

Ministerial Guidelines

The Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016 provides a statutory basis for the listing of threatened species, specially protected species, extinct species, threatened ecological communities, collapsed ecological communities, critical habitat and key threatening processes.

While the Act provides the broader criteria for listing the above, the Ministerial Guidelines provide further details on the criteria and procedures that apply.

Ministerial Guideline No. 1 provides more detail on the procedures that can be used by members of the community to nominate a species or ecological community for listing as a threatened species or threatened ecological community.

The listing process

  1. The public is invited to submit nominations to add, delete, or to change the threat status of species or ecological communities.
  2. The Threatened Species Scientific Committee (TSSC) and Threatened Ecological Communities Scientific Committee (TECSC) meet to review the nominations and make recommendations to the Minister for Environment.
  3. The Minister for Environment endorses or rejects the nominations.
  4. The threatened species and ecological community lists are updated and published in the Western Australia Government Gazette.
  5. The nomination outcome will be published on the Departments website and the nominator will be notified.
  6. The threatened species and ecological community lists are made available on the department's threatened plants, threatened animals, and threatened ecological communities webpages.

Nomination forms

The nomination forms for both Species and Ecological Communities are available below.

Nominations currently being considered

The Public consultation period for the latest amendment of the Threatened Species list closed on 29 September 2023.

At the conclusion of the assessment process, once the Minister’s decision is available, the outcome of the assessment process will be available on the Threatened Species and Communities page.

Scientific committees

The Western Australian Threatened Species Scientific Committee (TSSC) and Threatened Ecological Communities Scientific Committee (TECSC)  are appointed by the Minister for Environment, with administrative support provided by the Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions. 

The role of the committees is to: 

  • provide advice to the Minister on the listing of threatened species, extinct species, threatened ecological communities, collapsed ecological communities, and key threatening processes under the Biodiversity Conservation Act 2016; 
  • review and make recommendations annually to the Minister on threatened species (plants and animals) and threatened ecological communities; 
  • allocate the threatened species and ecological communities to IUCN categories of threat, for endorsement by the Minister; and 
  • provide advice and recommendations to the Director General in respect of research and management needs arising from the reviews of the threatened species and ecological communities lists and threat categories. 

The committees meet at least annually to consider any nominations received since the previous meeting. 

The Terms of Reference for the TSSC and TECSC, and further details on the committees’ roles are in the download below - Ministerial Guideline 1.

TSSC Membership List for 2019-present 
MemberGeneral area of expertise
Dr Ken Atkins Vascular flora, especially threatened flora 
Dr Andrew Burbidge Threatened species, especially vertebrate animals 
Dr Rob Davis Frogs, reptiles and birds 
Prof Kingsley Dixon Flora ecology and conservation management. Member CTSSC 
Dr Mark Harvey Arachnids and millipedes, short-range endemic invertebrates 
Dr Melinda Moir Terrestrial invertebrates, especially insects 
Dr Antony Start Flora and fauna survey, research and conservation 
Dr Vicki Stokes Avian fauna and general vertebrates 
A/Prof Kristin Warren Birds, mammals and reptiles, animal health
Dr Colin Yates Flora conservation, genetics, threatening processes and threatened species modelling 


TECSC Membership List for 2019-present 
MemberGeneral area of expertise
Ms Val English 24 years’ experience in work on threatened assemblages throughout the State and application of listing criteria to ecological communities.
Dr Bill Humphreys Recognised expert in relation to underground fauna, with 50 years’ experience in survey and taxonomy. 
Mr Greg Keighery 40 years' experience in biological surveys throughout the State and a recognised expert in the State’s flora and vegetation, and weeds
Ms Vicki Long 34 years' experience in survey and management of Pilbara and Kimberley flora and vegetation. 
Dr Ben Miller 20 years' experience in research into distinguishing plant communities, and restoration ecology. 
Dr Melinda Moir 20 years' experience in research in terrestrial invertebrate assemblages and their conservation. 
Ms Denise True 30 years’ experience in vegetation surveys and analysis, especially in the Pilbara and wheatbelt. 
Dr Eddie van Etten  18 years' experience in plant ecology and vegetation analysis, and restoration ecology.
Dr Stephen van Leeuwen  38 years’ experience in biodiversity surveys in WA. Recognised expert in Pilbara and western desert flora and fauna


Contact details 

Email: or

Mailing address: 
Threatened Species Scientific Committee or Threatened Ecological Communities Scientific Committee 
Species and Communities Program 
Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions 
Locked Bag 104 
Bentley Delivery Centre WA 6983 


