
Marmion Marine Park covers 9500 hectares between Trigg Island and Burns Rocks and protects a chain of inshore limestone reefs and islands that are home to colourful invertebrates and fish, with the warm Leeuwin Current allowing many tropical species to thrive in its waters. Endangered Australian sea lions live in the park year round, and humpback and southern right whales visit in winter and spring.

Marmion Marine Park was gazetted in 1987 as Western Australia’s first marine park. In 2012, the then Marine Parks and Reserves Authority (now Conservation and Parks Commission) recommended a review of the outdated Marmion Marine Park Management Plan (1992-2002). In 2016, the Office of the Auditor General published the Management of Marine Parks and Reserves report, which also recommended a management plan review, to allow for the changing pressures and uses and increased visitation to the area.

In 2019, 143 hectares was excised from Marmion Marine Park to develop Ocean Reef Marina enacted through the Reserves (Marmion Marine Park) Act 2019. This triggered a review of the management plan to reflect both the excision and proposed expansion of the marine park under the State Government’s Plan for Our Parks.

A new management plan will put in place a contemporary management framework to conserve the ecological, social and cultural values of the area, while allowing for sustainable use and planning for the predicted increased use of the area.

The marine park is proposed to be jointly managed with Whadjuk Aboriginal Corporation.

Community engagement and information sessions

The planning process to review and expand Marmion Marine Park is underway (see the State Government’s media statement).

The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions (DBCA) and Department of Primary Industries and Regional Development (DPIRD) held three information sessions in North Beach, Yanchep and Mindarie in February 2022 to provide information to the local community and stakeholders about the proposed review and expansion of Marmion Marine Park, and how community members and stakeholders could be involved. Please refer to the presentation and the Q&As in the download section below.

A Community Engagement Strategy was created with key stakeholder and community input, and outlines the community engagement that DBCA is undertaking.

Stay informed on the planning process

Keep an eye on this web page for information about the status of the planning process, or subscribe to Marmion Marine Park News to receive email updates.

Email us at for more information.

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Community Reference Committee

A 12-member committee, chaired by Whadjuk Noongar Traditional Owner Mr Noel Morich, was appointed by the Minister for Environment from a large number of high quality nominations. Committee members were chosen based on their local knowledge, expertise and experience; their communication skills and ability to represent the broad interests of the local community; their ability to consider information and work constructively and collaboratively to provide balanced advice; and their commitment to committee membership for the duration of the marine park planning process, from late 2021 to late 2023. The committee met in May, June, August, October and December of 2022 and in February 2023, with a final meeting to be held in the latter half of 2023. Communiques from all meetings can be found below.


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Sector Advisory Groups

Sector Advisory Groups (SAGs) are a critical pathway for information flow from the sectors and the community to the Community Reference Committee. They comprise representatives of interest groups and the local community (e.g., science, commercial fishing, recreational fishing, tourism/commercial operators, conservation, industry, water sports, local government, etc.). The Sector Advisory Groups’ function is to provide advice from the various sectors to the committee, DBCA and traditional owners during the planning process.

Commercial abalone fishingShane O’Donoghue
Commercial western rock lobster fishingMatt
Commercial fishingGraeme
Recreational fishingMatt
National conservationMonique
Local conservationKate Sputore
Recreational diving and snorkelling
Johanna Pool
Spearfishing and collectingDavid
Surf life savingCam




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Community survey

Thank you to everyone who shared their local knowledge through our online survey.

Capturing local knowledge is a key part of the marine park planning process. The marine values mapper survey tool was developed in partnership with The University of Western Australia and is used by DBCA to capture information about how people use and value the local marine environment. Local residents, and people who visit the area, were encouraged complete the survey and share it with their local networks. The survey has now closed. The data collected is being used to inform the planning process and help determine future management arrangements, including marine park zoning.


Do you still have questions about how marine parks work and the review and proposed expansion of Marmion Marine park? Visit our frequently asked questions page.

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