The Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions is pleased to announce the opening of the 2025-26 Riverbank Funding round. Riverbank program grants now open | Department of Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions
Expressions of Interest are sought from local and state government agencies managing land in the Swan Canning Riverpark to implement foreshore restoration and protection projects.
Grants funding process
Riverbank Grants Funding is a competitive process undertaken in two stages:
Stage One
Call for Expressions of Interest (EOIs). Project proposals which offer best value for money in addressing foreshore issues and achieving the desired outcomes for the river system will be selected. Funding for successful projects will be conditional at this stage.
Stage Two
Riverbank officers will work with successful applicants from Stage One to establish collaborative arrangements between parties. It is through the establishment of these arrangements that the final project details, including a project schedule, and detailed budget arrangements will be negotiated.
How to apply
The application period for the 2025-26 Riverbank Funding round opened on 22 January 2025 and will run until 4pm 18 April 2025.
Please download and refer to the Riverbank Funding 2025-26 Guidelines and the Riverbank Funding Expression of Interest 2025-26 forms in the download section below.
Riverbank funding 2024-25 recipients
Site Title/Location | Partner | Project Intent | Funding |
Araluen Walk Trail, Goolamrup Reserve and Pries Park | City of Armadale | Ecological restoration of the Canning River in the City of Armadale | $53,300 |
Roley Pools, Roleystone | City of Armadale | Ecological restoration of the Roley Pools heritage walk trail | $47,840 |
Jaqueline Drive, Burslem Bridge, and Martin Riverpark | City of Gosnells | Ecological restoration of the Canning River in the City of Gosnells | $103,200 |
Attadale Foreshore Reserve | City of Melville | Boardwalk implementation | $271,000 |
Point Resolution, Dalkeith | City of Nedlands | Foreshore restoration and revegetation | $16,260 |
Shelley Rossmoyne Foreshore | City of Canning | Community access review | $14,450 |
Corriedale Springs/Canning River, Thornlie | City of Gosnells | Ecological restoration | $28,410 |
McCallum Park and Taylor Reserve, Victoria Park | Town of Victoria Park | Master plan and concept designs for foreshore enhancement | $65,000 |
Claremont Foreshore, Freshwater Bay | Town of Claremont | Subsoil site investigation | $32,296 |
Point Roe, Mosman Park | Town of Mosman Park | Riverbank stabilisation | $3,935.57 |
Norm McKenzie Reserve, East Fremantle | Town of East Fremantle | River wall upgrades and plaza works | $133,347.75 |
Contact us
Queries can be directed to Riverbank officers at riverbank@dbca.wa.gov.au or by telephoning (08) 9278 0900.